Get Vitamins Into Your Body Quickly With a Simple Injection

Come to us for wellness injections in Laramie, WY

While our IV mixes are great, not everyone has time for an IV. Fortunately, RevIVe IV Vitamin Bar has an alternative. We offer wellness injections in the Laramie, WY area. Between the consultation and the vitamin injection, your appointment will  last anywhere from five to fifteen minutes. You’ll be able to move on with your day in no time.

What types of injections do we give?

During the consultation, we’ll decide together what injection works best for you.

Toradol injection

B12 Injection

B-complex injection

L-carnitine injection

Tri-Immune injection

50mg NAD+ injection

100mg NAD+ injection

Lipo injections

Our staff administers wellness injections using sterile techniques in a safe and comfortable environment. Contact us today to take advantage of one of our vitamin injections. We’ll be sure to answer all of your questions during the visit.

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